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20 tree(s) planted in memory of Mary Gallart
Rocco and Sylke
and 11 others have purchased flowers for the family of Mary Gallart. Send Flowers
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Cory & Margaret planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Sending love from the Gillespie-Lonas household. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Teddy & Joann planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Michael we send our deepest sympathy Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Carrie, Dean, Ronnie & Sandi planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Love from your Florida family: Carrie, Dean, Ronnie & Sandi Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The Rosenblats planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

We are so sorry about Mary. We love you Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Joseph Gallart uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Here is My Eulogy for our Mother
Our Mom was born in 1933 on Staten Island. She was the second oldest of 5 Children and was the last McAndrew Standing. Her childhood was not easy, losing her mom when she was just 13 years old. We’ve all heard stories from her childhood of “The flood” and living in her Uncle Tom’s house, after her mom passed. Uncle Tom also had…. I believe 5 kids of his own, and this house was a bit cramped. Just after high school, my mom decided to spread her wings and “run away” to the big city. Well… she was escorted back to Staten Island a short while later by the NYPD as a “Wayward Teen”. Seems as though her Uncle Tom wanted to keep his brothers’ kids together. She stayed put for about a year later and then hatched a new plan. She went down to the local Social Security Office and literally... reinvented herself. She spun a tale of needing a Social Security Card for employment. When asked her name, she simply said…. Mary Cassidy, and poof... At just 19 years old, Mary Cassidy was “born”.
Now…. My mom was not a Master Criminal or an “Identity Thief”. She simply wanted to make sure the NYPD wasn’t going to find her and drag her back to Staten Island. The NEW Mary Cassidy and her childhood friend “Irna” started their “Adulting” and soon decided to move to Boston. While in Boston, they worked as Waitresses and Mom attended College for a short while. The year was 1953 and the college/working life in Boston wasn’t for mom, so back to New York City she went.
Here’s where Mom’s early life took a turn…. and Yes... A turn that lasted 9 short months, that wouldn’t reveal itself to her 4 children and her family and friends for some SIXTY YEARS. More on this “SITUATION” in a bit.
She met our Dad in 1955 and after the now infamous first Date at the Copacabana hanging with Sammy Davis Jr, they soon married and Mary & Joe became the proud parents of a little girl. Teri had entered the world, with Denise and Michael in the years to follow, until…. These two crazy kids finally got it right, and I was born. Sure… it’s easy to say that I was their favorite. This could be because I was always made to feel special, or it could be because I was repeatedly told that I was in fact… “The Favorite” In either case…. I accepted the title!
Long before The Kardashians and their TV show, there was “Growing up Gallart”
We grew up in a small Hamlet known as Jackson Heights. We had lots of friends and LOTS OF PETS !!!! We had talking parrots, a blind Siamese cat, snakes, mice... and of course…... a few dogs, including our childhood German Shepherd Val. Val was a neighborhood legend. Sure, he bit a few of our friends along the way, but isn’t that what makes a Dog a legend?
Vacationing was always great. Summer Bungalow Colonies and a few summers up in Lake George, when my Mom and Dad were in their “Entrepreneurial Years”, Owning an operating an A&W Root Beer Restaurant, as well as a Batting Cage and Pizza place. Our Mom has said that she never made a round pie !!!
Fun Fact ! our mom invented the “Chicken Nugget”. Long before McDonalds… There was “Chicken McAndrew, as it was later to be called. Crispy Chicken Nuggets, served with Chicken Flavored Rice-a-Roni and slices of cranberry sauce was the extent of Mom’s Culinary Expertise.
We moved out of Jackson Heights to Maspeth in the early 80’s and so started a new career as Real Estate Agent and then Broker. Our parents also saw an opportunity and began breeding Love Birds and African Grey Parrots. Mom and Dad were happy for many years in Maspeth, before retiring to……. Carbon Indiana. A VERY SMALL town which… we had all visited over the years as children on family trips. Mom and Dad continued their Bird Breeding, while always kept us kids on our toes. Indiana also saw other adventures such as a motor home, to be used on their many road trips across the USA. The distance between Indiana and New York proved to be too great, so…. Delaware was their next stop on this Magical Mystery Tour. Again… keeping us all on our toes. Delaware was closer to all of us kids and made them very happy for years. In 2006, Our dad passed, and Mom was soon to be “on the move again”. She came full circle and moved back to Staten Island and she and our Aunt Lois (Mom’s baby Sister) were now roommates. These golden girls vacationed and loved to travel. Cruises and a Trip to Puerto Rico as well as countless Bus Trips to Atlantic City. Staten Island had called mom back, and she loved living there. She was of course familiar with “The Hood” and would often say, “My car knows the way” when she had to take a drive.
Quick story... My Mom’s car did always know the way... When I was 12 years old and playing Summer Baseball, my coach would drive me to games in his car and load up all the kids that didn’t need to be there for the start of the game, into her car, because she would get lost and arrive in time for the 2nd inning.
Mom also found a new career here in Staten Island. She volunteered for a company that sent her to Cemeteries to photograph headstones. This company would then list the Headstones on a website to help people find loved ones, who would otherwise not know where they were buried.
Back to “The Situation” The year was 2013, and we were planning Mom’s 80th Birthday Party. Our Sister Teri received a message from 23 and me (The DNA Ancestry site)…. Long story very short…. Arlene was on the scene. Mom’s 1st Born Daughter (unbeknownst) to us, born in 1953 (2 years prior to mom meeting our dad) and… yeah… we were just now finding out about this NEW SISTER. In 1953 Mom knew that an adoption plan was the best decision for her and this new baby. This Sister from another Mister was a surprise for sure. Talks of baby showers were thrown around I think, but in the end, we settled for having Arlene and her Husband Mike come to New York from Florida for Mom’s 80th Party. Our Brother Michael introduced Arlene at this party to our family and friends as “The Fifth Beetle”. Mom and her first born were now reunited 60 years later. Mom and Arlene spoke frequently over the past 10 years, and these were always lengthy conversations. Lots of time to make up I suppose.
Our Aunt Lois passed in 2014, and mom stayed in Staten Island for a few more years, but… we decided that if she going to live alone on an island, it was going to be LONG, and NOT STATEN! In 2019, she moved to Farmingdale, and now needed a portable GPS unit to get around, because her car didn’t know where to go, like when she lived in Staten Island. Here, she taught mahjong to some of the other residents in her new community. Mom lived in Farmingdale till June of 2021, before making what would be her last move to The Belair Care Center in Belmore. Mom really THRIVED at The Belair. The staff there made her life very easy. I overheard her telling friends on the phone. “The feed me, they clean my room, they cook for me…. I do nothing”. Trust me… she wasn’t doing NOTHING. She started new hobbies, and coined new phrases… People would ask if she was an artist, and she said… “No, I am a COLORIST”. She found a new passion in crafting… she cleaned up in Bingo and loved playing trivia and a whole host of other activities. Mom also decided that holiday themed costumes were going to be deployed. She loved nothing more than to give me fair warning that I would have to access her “Costume Drawer” in our house to get ready for the next holiday. Our sister Teri would help mom in designing hats to go along with these costumes. Mom insisted that photos be taken, which of course made their way to Facebook, where Mom had become quite the attraction. She would see comments that our friends would write about these costumes and would often say…. “I don’t think I know all these people”. Well, what I would be telling her today is that … At last count… 634 people have paid their respects on Facebook, and you would be happy to know that you brought smiles to all of them, over the years.
Mom had many careers and she proudly spoke of them often. Automat Worker as a Bus Girl but soon promoted to “Madame” in the Ladies bathroom, where she was the only employee to get tips, for handing cleaning products to the women. She was a Pet Shop Owner , Dabbled in Insurance Sales, Secretary for a Steamship Company, Shoe Shiner of the U.S Military Personnel in Staten Island, Waitress, Pizza Maker, Bookkeeper, Tax Preparer, Real Estate Agent/Broker, Bird Breeder, Meals on Wheels Delivery Driver, Prop master and Wardrobe coordinator for a small Church Theater Group in Indiana, Headstone Photographer and she finished off her Illustrious resume as the Resident Librarian at The Belair Care Center when she was 89 years old. She took this job as serious as any job in the past. She may have even reinvented the Dewey Decimal System !! The staff at The Belair issued her an I.D. card which she wore with pride. This new I.D. was recognized by staff members and let them know that she was able to move about the facility unassisted. She had “Elevator Privileges”, and this perk was HUGE !!!!!!
On one of the many days, when we broke mom out of the Nursing Home or as she called it…. The Senior Living Facility. She jokingly referred to herself and other residents as hostages or prisoners, even going so far as to say that she had received a “Life Sentence” but trust me... She did love the place. Anyway... on this day, we were having Backyard Party for our brother Michael who was turning 60. While I was baking some Pizzas, I called over to mom who was sitting by the pool and said. “Mom, how do you like being out of The Belair for the day”? Without hesitation, she replied…. “Well, if I was there, I would be doing SOMETHING ! Here, I’m doing NOTHING”. She then quickly said…. “Well... No, I like being here” She enjoyed being around us kids and we loved having her with us.
Our mom really did live a long and interesting life. We all have fond memories of her and will continue to tell her stories, just like we still do about our dad. We all love you and we will all miss you.
Caren Lesser posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Mary was a life-of-the-party kind of gal and we will miss seeing her kooky costumes and colorful artwork! Sending our love to Joe, Gina and the Gallart Family from your Florida family at this very difficult time. We are so very sorry for your loss and hope your fond memories will bring you a smile as big and bright as Mary’s.
Carrie, Dean, Ronnie & Sandi
Dina Rosenblat posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
We are so sorry for the loss of your wonderful mother Mary. May her memory be a blessing. We love you.
The Rosenblat’s.
Diane Spina York, David. Bob & Chris Spina planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Ava & Steven Lichtenstein posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Dear Joe & Gina,
Our sincere condolences on the passing of your beautiful Mother, Mary!
She has accomplished so much in her life while touching so many others with her incredible light.
May her memory be a blessing always
Love, Ava & Steven
Anthony and Melissa McCabe planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Sending love and prayers to your whole family! Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Rocco and Sylke purchased flowers
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Rocco and Sylke
purchased the White Florist's Choice and planted a memorial tree for the family of Mary Gallart.
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Dear Michael,Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss... Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
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Rocco and Sylke planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Dear Michael,Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss... Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Grace and Corey Hyatt posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Mary was such a joy to be around. She definitely had “spunk” and added life to a room!! We loved hearing her stories and learning from her wisdom. One thing that resonated was her devotion to God and family. We are so blessed to have known her.
Thoughts and prayers are with all. May her memories live in your hearts forever.
Grace and Corey Hyatt
Teri Gallart uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, August 29, 2023



My Mom.
While there are always exceptions, I think most people are born with the prejudical opinion of thinking that THEIR mother is the BEST mother.
I know MINE WAS.
She never disappointed anyone in her life. If she said she would do something, she would. She could do anything, and if she didn't know how to, she would figure it out. There was no internet assistance when I was a child, no opportunity to get guidance from any YouTube how-to videos, and yet she did it all.
She sewed matching outfits for my sister Denise and me, taught herself how to crochet, taught people how to play Mahjong any time there was an opportunity, and any school or scout projects siblings or I needed help with were submitted in the best condition with her guidance.
Speaking of siblings, she unexpectedly provided us our additional sister Arlene.
She also invented what our family called "Chicken McAndrew" before McDonald's figured out chicken nuggets would be a good option to add to their burger menu. I will be forever grateful for the many profound lifelong lessons she imparted.
I could type for hours...
I will simply say.
Thanks for everything, I love you and farewell until we meet again.
Geri &Andre Godat uploaded photo(s)
Monday, August 28, 2023

Mary was the mother of one of my very best friends, actually a friend herself. She was always there for me. When I climbed out my parents bedroom window into her kitchen window she didn’t get mad or get me in trouble she just told me it was dangerous and not a good idea. She spent nights teaching us to play mahjong. What a wonderful person and friend. The world I will miss her.
The Federicos and the Montalbanos purchased flowers
Monday, August 28, 2023

The Federicos and the Montalbanos
purchased the Full Of Love Bouquet for the family of Mary Gallart.
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Our deepest sympathy. With love the Federicos and the Montalbanos
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JOSEPH GALLART uploaded photo(s)
Monday, August 28, 2023




+ 5
Here’s my mom….
The Speck Family (Brian, Veronica, Liam & Lucas) purchased flowers
Monday, August 28, 2023

The Speck Family (Brian, Veronica, Liam & Lucas)
purchased the Florist's Choice Bouquet for the family of Mary Gallart.
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With deepest sympathy,
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The family of Mary A. Gallart uploaded a photo
Monday, August 28, 2023

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Anonymous purchased flowers
Monday, August 28, 2023

purchased the Arrive in Style and planted a memorial tree for the family of Mary Gallart.
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With our deep sympathy and loveBob and Sheila Sienicki
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Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Monday, August 28, 2023

With our deep sympathy and loveBob and Sheila Sienicki Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Celeste & Bill Wells planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Monday, August 28, 2023

Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss... Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Paula, Jimmy, Liam and Aurore. purchased flowers
Monday, August 28, 2023

Paula, Jimmy, Liam and Aurore.
purchased the Lavender Reflections Spray for the family of Mary Gallart.
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A silent thought, a special prayer, for a special person in Gods care You will be missed, but never forgotten.
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Love, Reba and Johnny purchased flowers
Monday, August 28, 2023

With love and prayers for Mary and the whole family, we send our deepest sympathies. May her light shine on in your hearts.
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Jen, Mike and Michael Coticchio purchased flowers
Monday, August 28, 2023

Jen, Mike and Michael Coticchio
purchased the Beautiful in Blue and planted a memorial tree for the family of Mary Gallart.
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With our heartfelt condolences and much love,
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Jen, Mike and Michael Coticchio planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Monday, August 28, 2023

With our heartfelt condolences and much love, Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Beth Fox purchased flowers
Monday, August 28, 2023

Joe & Gina,So sorry for your loss.Beth Fox
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Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Monday, August 28, 2023

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Anonymous purchased flowers
Sunday, August 27, 2023

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Love, The David Family (Bob, Nancy and the 5Ks) purchased flowers
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Love, The David Family (Bob, Nancy and the 5Ks)
purchased the Lovely One Spathiphyllum Plant and planted a memorial tree for the family of Mary Gallart.
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Our condolences to the Gallart family. We will remember Mary fondly from our Brulene days.
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Love, The David Family (Bob, Nancy and the 5Ks) planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Our condolences to the Gallart family. We will remember Mary fondly from our Brulene days. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Michael Gallart uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Here’s a picture of mom on her honeymoon in 1955 in Indiana in front of a cornfield.
Probably the same day that she thought she was enjoying fried chicken to find out that she was having some freshly harvested deep-fried squirrel.
Joe Gallart uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Michael Gallart posted a condolence
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Here’s a picture of mom on her honeymoon in 1955 in Indiana in front of a cornfield.
Probably the same day that she thought she was enjoying fried chicken to find out that she was having some freshly harvested deep-fried squirrel.
Bob David planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Sunday, August 27, 2023

In memory of a very nice woman! Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The Nicholsons planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Our sincere condolences to the Gallart Family. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Anonymous purchased flowers
Sunday, August 27, 2023

purchased the Lovely One Spathiphyllum Plant and planted a memorial tree for the family of Mary Gallart.
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Our sincere condolences
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Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Our sincere condolences Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Patty Mack and family planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Heaven just gained another Angel her name is Mary RIP sweet angel gone but never forgotten Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Arlene Gladstone planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Saturday, August 26, 2023

In loving memory of Mary Gallart. May she rest in peace. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Anonymous purchased flowers
Saturday, August 26, 2023

purchased the Florist's Choice Bouquet and planted a memorial tree for the family of Mary Gallart.
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Our sincerest sympathies,The Holt FamilySheri, Jay, Samantha and Dakota, and Matthew
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Anonymous planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Our sincerest sympathies,The Holt FamilySheri, Jay, Samantha and Dakota, and Matthew Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Camille and John DeLany planted a tree in memory of Mary Gallart
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Remembering you and "Mary A. Gallart" in our minds and in our hearts. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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A Memorial Tree was planted for Mary Gallart
Saturday, August 26, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at N F Walker Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Corey and Grace Hyatt posted a condolence
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Mary was the bright light in every room she was in. Even when she was in her wheelchair she always had a story that made you smile. I remember when I first met her and she told Grace and I a story that while I won’t repeat here has stuck with us. Gods speed Mary Ann………
about us
The N. F. Walker Funeral Home takes pride in providing a family with a unique blend of dignity, tradition and understanding. Our business is conducted in the New York Metropolitan, Long Island and Westchester areas.